​How to help

You can help by offering help in many ways, such as through financial donations to enable us to reach out and involve the widest possible spectrum of citizens in the county.  Also, use the “blog” section of this website to offer comments and discussion on the issues presented there.   The county budget, public education, property taxes, election integrity, accountability of public officials, and public safety are among the issues of concern to all. 

Outreach to the Community

Inform your local homeowners or community association about our organization, to contact their membership and invite their support and participation. Invite your friends and neighbors to “like” and comment in social media and news outlets that link to this website and other forums related to Prince George’s County.

Join our Cause

Get involved by completing the sign-up form to offer comments and suggestions for PG Citizens to take up as projects, issues, and outreach ideas.  Volunteer your time and talents to our cause for a better Prince George’s County.

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​Latest project

     In Prince George’s County, taxes are too high and and growing due to spending that is wasteful and excessive.  Where is the accountability to citizens? Many citizens suffer under the burden of higher cost of living, housing, food, energy, due to  inflation at the national level.   

     Public safety is a serious and growing concern, due to pressures of the unregulated presence of a dependent population of illegal aliens, which also burdens taxpayers who must cover the added cost of goods and services required for this population. 

     What is the answer?  “Rent control” and more welfare spending on illegal aliens?   More spending and taxes to promote  electric vehicle mandates and services?   Shouldn’t we at least have an open discussion on these issues?